Category: Covid-19

ZA NEWS REPORTS: A huge fire is raging at the Houses of Parliament in the South African city of Cape Town at this moment.
See South Africa latest video footage which shows black smoke filling the sky, with huge flames coming out from the rooftop of the building.
Multiple number of firefighters are at the site battling the blaze; unfortunately the cause of the fire is not yet determine. Search South Africa listing here.

Browse special important helpful ZA news in the Africa Centers for Diseases Control (CDC) and Prevention says it is launching a community surveillance system across Africa, to better control COVID-19 outbreaks. It is much needed for a better handled on the virus in dense populations. Visit South Africa CDC News

Latest hot news in South Africa ( ZA ) about nation health officials who appeared before Parliament’s Health Portfolio Committee to brief MPs on the vaccine roll out plan, acquiring more vaccines and the Delta variant. See more information on ZA Blog News Service.

South Africa (SA) has recorded 4 645 new COVID-19 cases, bringing the national total of infections to 810 449. Gauteng still has the most infections provincially and much more. Search South Africa news report.