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Major General Jeremy Vearey’s dismissal upheld

The recent dismissal of top Western Cape policeman, Major General Jeremy Vearey has been upheld by the Arbitrator of the Safety and Security Sectoral Bargaining Council.

Vearey was fired earlier this year for what the police top brass said was bringing the service into disrepute with a series of Facebook posts.

Police management said the posts undermined National Police Commissioner, Khehla Sitole. He’s welcomed the ruling of the bargaining council.

“Veary referred an unfair dismissal dispute to the SSSBC. After much deliberation on the matter, the Arbitrator ruled at the end of his 24-page award to the SSSBC that the dismissal of the Applicant, Major General Jeremy Veary was substantively fair,” says National Police Spokesperson, Vish Naidoo.

VIDEO: Two Western Cape police officers fight their demotion in court


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